How to Handle the Critics Who Are Constantly Trying to Bring You Down
No matter what goal you're chasing - whether it's losing weight, writing a book, or levelling up in life - there will be people who want to see you fail. They’ll criticise you, drag you down, and make you question everything. Here’s the hard truth: critics are inevitable. They’re part of the human experience, but you don’t need to let them hold you back, learn to handle the critics and thrive in life.
The good news?
The more critics you have, the more you know you are doing something extraordinary. The more you try to achieve, the more you’ll face people who want to tear you down. But that’s exactly why you need to develop the mental toughness to rise above it.
Follow these no-BS strategies to handle the critics - so they don’t win.
1. Find Your Purpose
When you’re truly aligned with your purpose, the opinions of others become background noise. If you’re letting critics shake you, it might be because you haven’t fully connected to what you’re doing. When your purpose is clear and powerful, no one can derail you. So ask yourself: are you living your purpose? If not, try this free values and rules exercise, it will help you get clarity and focus on something that matters to you.
2. Understand Why They’re Hating
The people who criticise you often aren’t doing it out of a sense of concern - they’re doing it to get under your skin. Most of the time, it’s because you’re doing something they can’t or aren’t willing to do. When you start succeeding, you trigger their insecurity, or any limiting beliefs they might have. They don’t like being reminded of their own mediocrity. Realise that this is a reflection of them, not you. Handle the critics by giving them a front row seat to see you excel.
3. Focus on Your Mission
Don’t let the critics distract you from your goals. Every time you’re about to be knocked off course by someone’s opinion, double down on your mission. You’re not here to please everyone; you’re here to make an impact. The more noise they make, the more you should tune out and focus on what matters. Let their criticism be the fuel for your fire.
4. Realise Critics Are a Small Percentage
You’re going to hear more negative feedback than positive feedback - it’s just human nature. But the truth is, critics represent a tiny fraction of the population. Most people don’t even care what you’re doing. Their voices seem louder because we’re hardwired to focus on the negative. The reality? They’re the exception, not the rule. Handle the critics by not giving them more power than they deserve.
5. Know You’ll Be Criticised No Matter What
Here’s the kicker: it doesn’t matter what you do, someone will always have something negative to say. If you become a billionaire, there will be critics. If you become a doctor, there will be critics. If you do nothing, guess what? You’ll still get criticised. So you might as well do what matters most to you and ignore the noise. Criticism comes with the territory of living a meaningful life.
6. Don’t Give Them the Satisfaction of an Emotional Response
Critics thrive on getting a rise out of you. If you let them trigger you, you’re giving them power. Responding emotionally is like feeding the fire. Instead, keep your cool. If you don’t react, they’ll either grow bored or soften their stance. Responding with kindness or indifference takes away their ammunition, and is a powerful way to handle the critics.
7. Use Their Words as Motivation
While some people crumble under criticism, high achievers use it as rocket fuel. Let the negativity push you to prove them wrong. Let it drive you to work harder, smarter, and faster. Every piece of criticism is a reminder that you’re making an impact. If no one’s criticising you, you’re probably not doing anything worth noticing.
8. Decide If It’s Worth Listening To
Not all criticism is created equal. Some of it may have merit. If someone gives you constructive feedback, take a step back and evaluate it. Is there truth in it? Could it help you improve? If the answer is yes, adapt. If it’s just random hate, let it roll off. You have better things to do than waste time on irrelevant opinions.
9. Take Criticism as a Compliment
If no one’s criticising you, you’re probably not doing anything that matters. The more success you see, the more attention you’ll attract. The people throwing shade are usually the ones who are threatened by your progress. So when they come for you, take it as a sign that you’re on the right track. If you're getting heat, you're doing something right.
Don’t Let the Critics Win
The critics are out there, and they will come for you. But if you’ve got a clear sense of purpose and are committed to your mission, they’ll never stop you. The more you focus on your own path and let go of the need for validation from others, the less impact their words will have on you. Criticism is a sign that you're pushing the envelope. If you're not getting criticized, you’re playing too small. So let them bark - while you keep moving forward.